People need new homes. But pumping houses into the economy isn’t the only answer…
“People need new homes. But pumping houses into the economy isn’t the only answer and may be more destructive as an isolated solution than Quantitative Easing will surely prove to be…” Adam Tugwell argues that politicians miss many of the real issues when it comes to housing policy.

Royal Mail privatisation
The Coalition might be wise to reconsider reinventing the wheel before they help all those on our universal postal service to fall off You have to wonder at the emotional frenzy that is sparked by the talk of privatisation and the multitude of responses that it almost always ignites. News today that the Government is […]

Payday Loans: Profit from misery and the throw back to the age of the Debtors Prison – but this time without brick walls
Desperation, the emotion it brings and the knee-jerk response to any opportunities that might even just temporarily stop the cause of that pain, can lead those of us experiencing it to do what others may consider to be some pretty illogical things. The prospect of escape at any level can certainly lead to the failure […]

Spending Review and local authorities: We need change and a resurgence of ethics…
Spending Review and local authorities: We need change and a resurgence of ethics, not coercive micromanagement by stealth and an even greater distance between people and Government With £11.5 Billion in further cuts set to be outlined in the Coalition’s Spending Review later today, I will probably not be alone in asking myself if this […]

Government is not the same thing as a business, and should never be run like it is one
The word ‘business’ conjures up different meanings for different people, depending on their background and of course what exposure they may have had to its use or application. Most will agree that its use as a term suggests enterprise and methods of working which would sit snugly within a commercial environment. But should this word […]

Councillors’ pay: Throwing money at more of the same just increases the odds of things going from bad to even worse
If you feel at all cynical about politicians and their motives for seeking power, you are unlikely to have been left feeling refreshed by the latest row over councillors’ pay which has surfaced this morning. After all, one set of politicians laying out the stall to put more money into the pockets of another is hardly the […]

Rail fare hikes and tough talk on welfare waste
“With a 4.2% average rise in ticket prices hitting rail commuters today, just how long do politicians think that rises in the cost of essential services, utilities and products will remain ‘sustainable’?” Adam Tugwell argues that today’s problems will not simply be solved by continually taking more from pockets when there is even less to replace it.