Frontline Friday 11th October: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 7th October 2013 – from education, welfare reform to mental health and social care.

Tales from the party conferences: The Conservative Party – or the Potemkin Party
In the final part of our three-part series, Guerilla Policy goes to the Conservative Party conference – and wonders where all the ‘hardworking people’ are.

Tales from the party conferences: “Britain can do better” – but can Labour?
In the second of a three-part series, Guerilla Policy goes to the party conferences to examine the political class up-close. Here we look at Labour Conference and the claim that ‘Britain can do better’ - but can Labour?

Frontline Friday 27th September 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 23rd September 2013 – from local authority cuts, supporting families to the bedroom tax and Labour Party conference.

Tales from the party conferences: The Liberal Democrats (or is it the Coalition Party?)
In the first of a three-part series, Guerilla Policy goes to the party conferences to examine the political class up-close. First, the Liberal Democrats - and the question of ‘whose conference is it anyway?’

Frontline Friday 13th September 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 2nd September 2013 – from welfare reform and the real Chris Grayling to outsourcing of public services and teaching in schools.

Frontline Friday 23rd August 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
In exam week, here’s our list of the A* frontline blogs that we’ve particularly rated from the week of 23rd August 2013 - from what’s wrong with the Labour Party, to powerful stories about the impact of welfare reform.

Frontline Friday 16th August 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 5th August 2013 - from Channel 4′s much criticised Benefits Britain programme, to the outsourcing of public services.

Shadow politics: Three reasons why public services feel increasingly less public
In the shadow politics, public services feel increasingly less public - from the development of policy to the delivery and regulation of services - in a way that may come back to haunt the political class itself.

Frontline Friday 2nd August 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 29th July 2013, from welfare reform to privatisation of the NHS, probation and the Court Service - and should practitioners write about real cases?

Frontline Friday 26th July 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 22nd July 2013 - from welfare reform to the Work Capability Assessment, police powers to the ‘war on porn’.

Frontline Friday 19th July 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 15th July 2013 - from male mental health to the NHS, welfare reforms to payment by results.

The political class: ending the old politics requires a radical think of the role of political parties
In our continuing series on the political class, we suggest that the depth of the crisis of legitimacy being experienced by the mainstream political parties requires a radical rethinking of their role in contemporary politics.

Frontline Friday 5th July 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 1st July 2013. Let us know which posts we’ve missed and which other bloggers we should be following for next week’s list.

The political class: Why big ideas are a big waste of time and money
The political class and frontline practitioners not only have different ideas for improving public services - they also disagree fundamentally on what the problem is.

Frontline Friday 14th June 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 14th June 2013. Let us know which posts we’ve missed and which other bloggers we should be following for next week’s list.

Frontline Friday 7th June 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 3rd June 2013. Let us know which posts we’ve missed and which other bloggers we should be following for next week’s list.

The political class: senior civil servants
In the fourth of our posts on the political class we investigate senior civil servants. This is part of series examining the political class – who they are, what their background and experience is, and what qualifies them to shape and inform public policy.

Whatever happened to open policy?
The Government’s civil service reform plan published last year promised to “make open policymaking the default”, however progress since has been limited. Implementing open policy will require new methods for engagement, but also ways of requiring that policymakers develop policy openly. Is the Government wrangling with implementation - or are its intentions waning?