Mos Def | Privilege, Pain and Politics
Trigger warning: The video is quite distressing and not for the faint hearted. Early this morning I stumbled upon the following video by Yasiin Bey, the artist formerly, or more commonly know as, Mos Def. It was a disturbing reenactment of what those held at Guantanamo allegedly have to go through. The suggestion being […]
A question of privilege
Although this is an old video listening to it really made me think. I loved studying sociology but it was only after I finished it as an A Level subject I discovered privilege. The concept that social inequality in society for some groups is framed by class, gender, race, orientation. White privilege My introduction […]
What lies beneath
Often I am asked why I blog or tweet so much about race and misogyny. To be fair I write a lot about education, beliefs and politics too but hey let’s answer the question in hand. I write a lot about race and misogyny because I still think that a lot of people are afraid […]

Do black boys need black role models?
“Look wider. Look deeper. Don’t restrict your thinking or place in the world to just those who look like you.” David McQueen questions the assumption that black boys (only) need black role models in order to achieve success.
Why black history matters
“Do I think it should be called black history? Not really, but if it is the easiest term to get the point across and open up the wider debate on inclusive history then let’s do this.” David McQueen has his doubts about lumping together so many different cultures under one banner - but still thinks Black History Month plays an important role in challenging history seen only through a white middle class lens.
Give teachers a break
Confession. Before I fully got into working full time in education consultancy I was part of a band who would easily lament that teachers had it easy. Yes I had some great teachers in the past but I found it ever so easy to talk about the fact that they had long holidays, or whinged […]
Dear Mr Gove…
As a parent and an educator I am bit thrown by your haste to overhaul the educational system of exams. As a parent of a child who has just started out on her GCSE exams I am keeping an eye out on some of the changes you are making. I am a bit more concerned […]