Is Andreas Schleicher still on Gove’s Christmas card list?
“Fundamental to the achievements of the most successful systems is the belief that all young people have potential and that hard work can often trump inbred talent…” John Bolt considers the implications of the OECD’s PISA tests for education in England.

Is a new vision for local government quietly emerging?
“Over the past 30 or more years, successive central governments have done everything they can to demolish English local government. Powers and functions have been seized by ministers for themselves or handed over to unaccountable quangos or outsourcing companies…” Education for Everyone looks at Labour’s emerging new vision for local government.

Academies – more reasons why they’re not the answer
“The issue of how successful are academies has come to the fore yet again in a number of ways. Potentially most significant could be the Select Committee’s decision to carry out an investigation into the academies programme as a whole.” Education for Everyone looks at the emerging evidence base on how successful academies are.
Paxman, Hunt and the QTS issue
“The point is that there is a need to establish a base line to protect the profession – and children – against attempts to cut corners and teachers who haven’t understood the basics of the job.” In light of Tristram Hunt’s recent Newsnight interview, Education for Everyone looks at the debate on unqualified teachers.