My email to Stephen Dorrell, Chairman of Health Select Committee, on GP practice boundaries
“If your committee is unable to scrutinise this policy thoroughly, then who should?” George Farrelly shares an email to Stephen Dorrell MP about the Government’s proposal to abolish GP practice boundaries.
My second email to Jeremy Hunt on the fraudulent GP practice boundary policy
“There is of course another very important question here that I feel, as a professional and as a citizen, needs to be addressed. What is wrong with the system that we have come to this?” George Farrelly challenges the move towards abolishing GP practice boundaries.

Department of Health response to my email to Jeremy Hunt: the smell of rotting fish
“Yesterday I received the following email from the Department of Health. It alleges to be a reply to my email of 8/9/13 to Jeremy Hunt (see previous post). It does not address any of the concerns I raised in that email.” George Farrelly shares the response that he has received to his recent email to Jeremy Hunt MP.

My warning to Jeremy Hunt on policy to abolish GP boundaries: is it fraudulent?
“This patient ‘choice’ appears on the surface to be a welcome development. But as someone who has worked as a GP for over 25 years, it simply does not work…” George Farrelly explains his concerns with abolishing GP practice boundaries - and suggests what may really be behind this reform.

Are GPs too lazy?
Two evenings ago, when I arrived home at 9pm for supper, my daughter, with a smile on her face, pointed me to the front cover of the current edition of The Week which asks ‘Are GPs too lazy?’ She and her brother were always clear that they were not going to study medicine because they thought their parents, both GPs, worked […]
Warning to Health Select Committee on a policy damaging to general practice, from a whistleblower
“…in reality [it] will simply not work and will cause general practice to malfunction; in some cases it will be unsafe.” George Farrelly explains his concerns about the Government’s plan to abolish GP practice boundaries.