Health service transformation is urgently needed
“The Francis report, mortality rates, the treatment of whistleblowers, relentlessly negative media coverage, and a system crisis over last winter, have combined to create a perfect storm in the NHS.” Dr Mark Newbold makes the case for transformation of the health service.

Discharge is key to emergency care crisis
This blog was first published here on HospitalDr on 20th May The crisis in emergency care has now been acknowledged as a ‘system’ problem, rather than something caused by ‘poorly performing’ acute trusts. I am sure readers of this website have known this all along. It is important this is recognised, so that the right solutions are considered. Of course, […]

#NHSEngage - Why I use social media
It’s great to see Dean Royles and NHS Employers highlighting the benefits of social media use in the NHS. Social media enables conversations, crosses organisational boundaries with ease, and spreads learning and innovation quickly and effectively. I have written before about why I use it. For me it is about driving openness and transparency in […]
Why do we struggle with ‘caring’ in the NHS?
“We know that most hospital staff are competent and compassionate, and we know that staff who feel valued and supported will deliver good care. We also know from staff surveys that morale is low and that somehow, the system all too often acts to demotivate and disengage the staff who work within it.” Following the Francis report, Dr Mark Newbold tries to understand why there are still concerns about care in the NHS.