The big question?
“I don’t think the government have a clue what constitutes success in social work so they came up with some half arsed timescales and a quick look around the basics of what we do and then tell us we are ‘outstanding’.” Social Worker X asks some fundamental questions about social work and doubts whether how we measure ‘success’ fits with the reality of protecting children.

Put up or shut up
“So my call to the men and women in the street is a simple one, if you really care about child protection then pay up, its not free.” Social Worker X spells out the realities of what social workers need to do their jobs in a safe and efficient way.

Ignore us and we’ll go away
Social Worker X seeks to educate Michael Gove on the realities of child protection - and spells out what his criticisms would mean in practice.

Give over Gove!
Last Friday Education Secretary Michael Gove gave a speech to the Institute of Public Policy Research on ’the failure of our current child protection system’. I guess it‘s never too early in a speech for rhetoric and Mr Gove was setting out his stall early. As the title of the speech says, in his view we are […]
Frontline, the saviour of social work?
Social Worker X considers the proposal for a ‘Teach First for social work’ - but doesn’t believe that an increase in graduates from Cambridge or Oxford would improve the standing of the profession with the general public. Indeed, it could represent a “perfect recipe for privatisation”.