Decisions without due care and attention
In the news today is the plan to introduce on the spot fines for middle lane hoggers and tailgaters on the motorway. There is no doubt that those who choose to drive in such a way are a danger both to themselves and others. It is therefore justifiable and right that such drivers are challenged about […]

Bailing out
Today the BBC have made a report about the number of people that are held on police bail in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The report states that based on freedom of information requests (to which 34 of 44 forces replied to) there are currently over 57,000 people held on police bail. It goes on […]

I say, I say
“I say, I say. My wife’s gone to Northern Italy.” “Genoa?” “I should think so, We’ve been married for 20 years.” Can you remember jokes like this? Harmless and mildly amusing now but if read out by Tommy Cooper they would have the house roaring in laughter? Let me try one. “I say. I say. […]

Frontline voices: The Custody Sgt - Reduced service
“I feel that my tweeting makes a difference and this is confirmed by a lot of the feedback my followers give me but as far as work is concerned it is a big “No No” The Custody Sgt argues that Twitter is an integral part of his role but he still needs to convince the doubters and worriers that his tweets are useful and not a distraction from his other duties.

I’m currently reading Bad Science by Ben Goldacre. It’s a fascinating read about how drug companies, nutritionists, homeopathy “experts” along with questionable research big up the positives and play down the negatives to support their objectives. He discusses how some people have gained recognition from the media as “experts” when in many cases they have little to no […]

Old wine in new bottles
“Old wine in new bottles. The practice of taking something old and dressing it up to look like something new.” The Custody Sgt criticises Policy Exchange’s latest report on policing for rehashing old policy proposals rather than understanding the reality of today’s policing.

“The public are being hoodwinked. Much as they were with PCSO’s that made it look like there were more police on the street when there weren’t.” The Custody Record argues that Special Constables should be seen as a supplement to the police force rather than replacing paid officers.