Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983: The Latest Statistics 2012-13
“The latest statistics on inpatients formally detained in hospitals under the Mental Health Act 1983, and patients subject to supervised community treatment was published on 30th October 2013. This is an interesting and easy to understand report…” The Masked AMHP reviews the latest statistics on mental health.
Is the concept of informal psychiatric admission in jeopardy? A commentary on the current crisis in mental health beds
“There has been a gratifying media response to the excellent investigation conducted by Community Care and the BBC into the drastic shortage of acute psychiatric beds across the country.” The Masked AMHP argues that the cuts in psychiatric beds are leading to unsafe and possibly illegal practices, which could harm patients.
The Sun and mental health - that front page
“That huge red number is clearly intended to alarm. One has to conclude that the Sun wishes to suggest that its readers are all at risk of being murdered in their beds by homicidal maniacs.” The Masked AMHP challenges the Sun’s reporting of mental health.

Trying to work but living below subsistence level
“What a shame it is that the welfare system is not designed to facilitate those people who want to work, even if only part time, but instead makes it impossible for them to work.” The Masked AMHP tells the story of a couple who typify the unintended consequences of recent welfare changes.

What do you call a person who receives mental health services?
There are people who have had bad experiences of mental health services – you only have to look in the comments sections of my posts on this blog to find people who have nothing good to say about mental health services - who would answer “victim”. (I just thought I’d get that in first). But this […]

Should professionals write publicly about real cases?
I had a very interesting and thought provoking email correspondence with a reader of The Masked AMHP blog recently. The reader initially found the accounts on the blog of real situations interesting and at times amusing, but then started to think about how they would feel if they were reading about themselves. The reader raised […]

Delays and more delays: The College of Social Work AMHP Practice Survey 2013
It’s official: Mental Health Act Assessments are beset with unacceptable delays all over the country (or at least England). That’s the message from The College of Social Work’s recent AMHP Practice Survey, the results of which were released at the end of May. And it’s the AMHP’s (and of course the patients) who are suffering the […]
When do you stop extending a Community Treatment Order?
Patients subject to CTOs at 31 March 2012, by gender and by year Community Treatment Orders were introduced into the MHA 1983 by the 2007 amendments. The Code of Practice (25.2) states that: “The purpose of SCT is to allow suitable patients to be safely treated in the community rather than under detention […]
They don’t give ATOS: Public Accounts Committee criticises Work Capability Assessments
It was reported yesterday (8th February 2013) that the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee has severely criticised the Department of Work & Pensions for their handling of assessments of the sick and disabled claimants for their capability to work. Responsibility for conducting these assessments has been delegated to ATOS, which was paid £112.4m to carry out 738,000 assessments in […]
Frontline voices: The Masked AMHP
In the first of a new series on voices from the frontline, The Masked AMHP explains why he blogs. I am a mental health social worker and Approved Mental Health Professional working in a community mental health team. My AMHP role means that I have the power to apply for the compulsory detention under the […]
The abandoned illness – the Schizophrenia Commission’s report
“[The report] lays bare the devastating effects on individuals experiencing this illness in the social, health and economic spheres.” Despite this, as The Masked AMHP argues, cuts threaten the Commission’s proposals.
Detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983: The latest statistics
The latest statistics for people detained in hospital or on Community Treatment Orders has just come out. This data can indicate curious and perhaps unexpected consequences of law and policy. The Masked AMHP examines the figures and finds them “troubling”.