Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 30th September 2013. Let us know which posts we’ve missed and which other bloggers we should be following for next week’s list.
Shouldn’t “Policy Exchange” be honest? “Propaganda Exchange” is more accurate
Sue Marsh takes aim at a new report from Policy Exchange. Posted on Diary of a Benefit Scrounger.
‘Hard working people’ doesn’t work for me…
As the Conservative Party gathered in Manchester, Paul Bernal took issue with their conference theme. Posted on Paul Bernal’s Blog.
Lies, damn lies and DWP benefit cap claims
Joe Halewood argues that DWP has knowingly misleading the public about the overall benefit cap. Posted on SPeye.
The poisonous politics of reducing unemployment
Writing in advance of George Osborne’s speech to the Conservative Party conference, Puffles laments that politicians are avoiding answering the difficult questions about unemployment. Posted on A Dragon’s Best Friend.
Long term unemployment: four people in their own words. And why the word “vulnerable” needs to go
Kate Belgrave shares four stories from people who have been unemployed for several years. Posted on Kate Belgrave.
Intensive programs to deal with *that*…
Lisa Egan argues that the proposals to force people with long-term problems like addictions or mental health issues to go on intensive programmes are dangerous. Posted on Where’s the benefit?
Andrew Old sets out his views on this week’s teachers’ strike. Posted on Scenes from the Battleground.
Labour Conference: Please sir, will you save Legal Aid?
Law Geek reviews the discussions on Legal Aid and criminal justice policy at this year’s Labour Conference. Posted on Law Geek’s Blog.
Jim Brown explains why, in the context of the Government’s other policies, the probation reforms won’t work. Posted on On Probation Blog.
Stavvers suggests that the Daily Mail reflects ugly attitudes found across society. Posted on Another Angry Woman.
For the latest frontline and independent blogs, visit our sister site Guerilla Feed and follow the site on Twitter @guerillafeed
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