The emotional labour of care
“Not a day goes by without someone …claiming that the NHS has put professionals before patients for too long, or that public service propagates professional complacency or that the threat of competition or prison is needed to improve care…” Jonathon Tomlinson reminds us why care is central to the role of health professionals.
You are ‘infrahuman’ and your government thinks you are ‘stock’ – even if you voted for it
This is a sequel. Last October, Vox Political published Living under the threat of welfare reform, a personal account of the hardships suffered by just one disabled benefit claimant as a result of the Coalition government’s crude and unnecessary attacks on people who are unable to work and must rely on social security. The author expressed fears about […]

“Bedroom tax” hearing starts 15 May
The High Court will next week consider 10 claims being brought against the Government’s ‘Bedroom Tax’ that came into force on 1 April this year. The claims, made by a range of people affected by the Bedroom Tax, will be heard together over three days starting on Wednesday 15 May. Law Firm Leigh Day are […]

Can you teach care?
During a debate in London this week with health colleagues we were updated on the initial responses to the report into Mid Staffordshire by Robert Francis Q.C. which was published in early February 2013. The long awaited report is hyper-critical and leaves no stone unturned in an attempt to uncover the reasons why over a […]

Should more children be taken into care?
In this post I want to look at some more of the failings identified by Michael Gove. I had planned to tackle ‘Failing No 1’ next, because it seems to me that the issue of too many local authorities not meeting acceptable standards for child safeguarding is very fundamental. However, because of recent letters published […]