The emotional labour of care
“Not a day goes by without someone …claiming that the NHS has put professionals before patients for too long, or that public service propagates professional complacency or that the threat of competition or prison is needed to improve care…” Jonathon Tomlinson reminds us why care is central to the role of health professionals.
“The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted, uncared for and deserted by everybody” Mother Theresa I am always early for my doctors appointment. I cannot imagine how anyone could be late for a doctors appointment, even though I know that lots of doctors, including mine, often […]
The right tools for the wrong job
On Sunday just gone I was very honoured (but slightly nervous) to know that the Sunday Express were going to be basing an article on policing and mental health from my blogs. The full article can be read here. If it were down to me I would not have chosen the words “Mental health victims” […]
Why do we struggle with ‘caring’ in the NHS?
“We know that most hospital staff are competent and compassionate, and we know that staff who feel valued and supported will deliver good care. We also know from staff surveys that morale is low and that somehow, the system all too often acts to demotivate and disengage the staff who work within it.” Following the Francis report, Dr Mark Newbold tries to understand why there are still concerns about care in the NHS.

Frontline Friday round-up 8th February 2013
Here’s our round-up of frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 3rd February 2013. This week we focus exclusively on the Mid Staffordshire scandal and the reactions to the Francis report - many of which question the reforms which the NHS has been subjected to under successive governments.

Where did the hysteria over the Liverpool Care Pathway originate?
“It is not fancy technologies or complicated research that is going to fix the problem. It is quite simply some good quality talking and a culture and environment that allows this to happen.” Dr Kate Granger reflects on what is being neglected in the coverage of the Liverpool Care Pathway.