The best local government blogs of 2013
Here’s our own selection of the best blogs we’ve published this year in local government - from cuts to cooperative councils, privatisation to local democracy.

Six months in… social work and social care
It’s six months since we launched this version of Guerilla Policy. Here’s a selection of some of our favourite posts we’ve published in social care and social work - from child protection to cuts, recruitment into social work to leaving the profession.

Race to the bottom commissioning
Writers are obsessed not just with words but with wordcount. That innocuous, humble figure in the drop-down menu or nestling innocently in the bottom left hand corner of your screen should be a record of achievement. Instead, too often it’s a curse, an ever-tightening straitjacket on the creative flow. Blogging at least allows me to […]

Bedroom Tax – ONLY the tenant can get rid of it and here’s how!
“Dear Social Tenant, The bedroom tax is wrong and nasty, it is pernicious. …If you do you will see that the way to get rid of the bedroom tax if (a) simple and (b) you have the power to do it!” Joe Halewood explains how to end to the Bedroom Tax.

Rich pickings in foster care
“…the language of the balance sheet rather than the review form sticks in the craw and masks the realities of caring for vulnerable children to the standard they deserve.” Abe Laurens warns about the advance of private companies further into foster care.

Normal service will not be resumed
“Listen to ministers and you could be forgiven for believing that although cuts in the public sector are necessary, services will be maintained.” Abe Laurens describes the adverse impact on the fostering sector of benefit changes and how these will effect the number of placements available.
Rotherham: truth and politics
The only time I read my local paper is at the Indian takeaway. Whilst waiting for my korahi chicken yesterday evening, I disinterestedly flicked through the familiar mix of parking problems, noisy neighbours and oversubscribed schools. I nearly skipped the article buried on page 11 about a man who died after an error from his GP, because I […]