Boris Johnson says super rich are an ‘oppressed minority’ worthy of our ‘humble thanks’ - time for a reality check
“Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, today used his platform of a column in the Daily Telegraph newspaper to argue that the super-rich are a ‘put upon minority’ like homeless people or the travelling community.” Scriptonite looks at why Boris Johnson’s recent comments on the super-rich are wrong.

The NHS at 65: the Coalition are retiring our public health service
The National Health Service (NHS) celebrates its 65th birthday today. While coalition politicians cut ribbons, they are also busy cutting the lifelines that make the service viable. Ceaseless scare stories, never ending costly reorganisations, rampant commercialisation and privatisation, and deliberate loading of unsustainable debt onto hospital balance sheets. It is time for a reminder of what […]

If borrowing is up, but services are being cut… where is our money going?
“It is time to end this parasitic relationship where the state is ever more simply the vehicle by which the few are delivered the profits of the endeavours of the many.” Scriptonite examines where all the money is going.