End game
“…not one member of the government side was prepared to speak in favour of this incredibly bad and dangerous plan. Meanwhile, the service is beginning to fall apart with numerous highly experienced officers …urgently planning exit strategies.” Jim Brown shares some recent emails about how the reforms to probation are being felt in the service.

Frontline Friday 4th October 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 30th September 2013 – from welfare reform and legal aid, to the Conservative Party conference and the Daily Mail.

Why it won’t work
“Any organisation thinking of bidding for probation work ought to be fully aware that despite all the rhetoric and spin, every Government policy from now till the next General Election will be designed to make the task of Transforming Rehabilitation as difficult as possible…” Jim Brown explains why the probation reforms won’t work.

Omnishambles Update 19
“Meanwhile the Government’s plans to try and sweeten the [Transforming Rehabilitation] pill by encouraging the formation of cuddly-sounding ‘mutuals’ appears to have suffered a few setbacks…” Jim Brown provides a further update on the ongoing omnishambles of probation reform.

Some reflections
As we begin to contemplate the demise of the Probation Service as we know and love it, now seems as good a time as any to reflect on the past a little. Some of you will be aware that I’m prone to do that anyway and the following piece by a brand new blogger on the Safer […]
Omnishambles update 2
Well I’ve really been heartened by the responses this blog has attracted recently, thus confirming that there does seem to be a need for some kind of vehicle or platform where people can sound off, exchange thoughts and information and hopefully gain some comfort and support, knowing that they are not alone amidst the unfoldingomnishambles. […]
Omnishambles announced
Following the Queens speech yesterday, Justice Secretary Chris Grayling intends to seal his political fate later today by publishing a draft bill that not only privatises the majority of probation work, but also lays the foundations for a perfect omnishambles. Even before the announcement was made, I notice that another new organisation has entered the […]