Best frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of the best frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 4th November 2013 – from protest and political movements to welfare reform, disability and performance related pay for teachers to outsourcing of public services.

Dear media, a global uprising took place last night…where were you?
“If the mainstream media isn’t going to do the job, we need to. It is going to be hard, but it is not impossible.” Scriptonite Daily reflects on the mainstream media’s treatment of protest and political movements.

Frontline Friday 9th August 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 5th August 2013, from unemployment to zero hours contracts, property taxes to policing protests.

The Mid Blue Line – a police perspective on public protests
Over the past week I have taken part in a live web-streamed debate on policing protests as part of the Sussex Police 10 Days Live event, which also prompted many other interesting and useful conversations on Twitter. There was a large amount of interest in the police role at demonstrations, a variety of perceptions and […]
Bedroom tax and the significant ‘tenant power bloc’ that’s forming – landlords and IDS beware!
The level of anger and fight the tenant and activist has put against at the bedroom tax policy has surprised me. Tenants have been mobilised into huge numbers and quickly aided largely by social media. The first indications of non-payment and part-payment of the bedroom tax shortfalls are way above expected with Riverside stating 50% non-payment and […]

Margaret Thatcher - controversial in life and death…
Since the death of Margaret Thatcher last week there has been a huge controversy and divide between those who are for and against ‘The Iron Lady’. There were a lot of people who were celebrating her death on Social Media sites, and in once case a Police Sergeant from the Met who shared his celebratory thoughts […]