Interview with a Job Centre Advisor: sanction targets and corruption revealed
“@JobcentreMole is a Job Centre advisor who has taken to Twitter to speak out about the Job Centre’s unfair treatment of people who are claiming benefits. …I think that what he’s doing is very brave.” With the help of an insider, Slutocrat reveals the reality of how Job Centres treat people claiming benefits.
400,000 made destitute by new JSA sanctions regime
“Quite how someone left with no money is meant to clean, maintain or buy clothes for interviews, or pay for travel for interviews or pay for internet access to look for jobs …seems to be an unanswered question.” Birmingham Against the Cuts questions how sanctions are supposed to help people find work.

Frontline Friday 19th July 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 15th July 2013 - from male mental health to the NHS, welfare reforms to payment by results.

A selection of especially stupid sanctions
The number and length of benefit sanctions has risen hugely under the coalition. Two and a quarter million JSA claimants have had their money stopped, and since October 2012 sanctions are for a minimum of four weeks and a maximum of three years. ESA claimants can have 70% of their benefits stopped indefinitely. Imagine being without any […]