Best frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 14th October 2013 – from the new ‘social contract’ to welfare reform and the bedroom tax to the teachers strike and the Ofsted report on the Al-Madinah free school.

We strike because we care
“We’re the people who help your children towards the academic achievements that make you feel proud of them. We, like you, spend a lot of time anxiously worrying about your children. We are striking because we care and you should support us.” Truthful Classroom sets out why teachers are striking.

It’s because I agree with Gove about the curriculum that I disagree with him about pay and conditions
“A lot of the comments on why people are striking leave me cold. Too many people on too many hobby horses. Too many people complaining that Gove hates teachers or that opposing the education establishment is indefensible…” Andrew Old sets out his views on this week’s teachers’ strike.