Best frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of the best frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 4th November 2013 – from protest and political movements to welfare reform, disability and performance related pay for teachers to outsourcing of public services.

Trade unions need to toughen up
“So, yes, we need to campaign for the living wage for all, but we also need to organise for a pay rise for all workers, and to organise all workers into trade unions.” Jon Rogers looks at the role that trade unions could play in campaigning for better pay.

The political left go conferencing
“Criticism came in from various quarters that this gathering was made up of the usual political and media suspects that had a voice, rather than those that did not. Again, hence my preference for the ‘unconference’ format…” Puffles reviews the CLASS conference and other political left events that took place this weekend.

The case against Michael Gove
“Where I think Gove is fundamentally wrong is on workplace issues. I do not see any appreciation of the difference between management and frontline staff.” Andrew Old pinpoints the problem with Michael Gove’s approach to education.

Attack on union link puts democracy at risk
Over two centuries working people have fought for our rights in the workplace and wider society. Among our victories have been those of the Chartists and the Suffragettes (and Suffragists) who won us the franchise. The right to choose who governs us is an essential element of democracy. Our rulers have never been comfortable with […]

Unions need to answer UKIP
Our Party is not where it needs to be now to win a General Election in 2015 (http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/05/local-elections-labour-isnt-where-it-needs-be-win). Opposition to austerity is being drawn around Farage (our very own Poujade -http://m.guardian.co.uk/news/2003/aug/28/guardianobituaries1), and around the poisonous nostalgia of the populist right. UKIP is clearly an “English” manifestation of the anti-political feeling expressed elsewhere is support for […]

1%? No thanks!
Today the national negotiators representing the employers of more than a million local government workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (the largest organised bargaining group in the UK economy) made a final pay offer of 1% with no strings, effective 1 April. Perennial optimist, and lead negotiator for the GMB, Brian Strutton, says there’ll […]

Male violence and the abuse of power on the left - the view from a glass house
This morning readers of the websites of the liberal broadsheets can choose between a story alleging that the RMT have let down a female activist complaining of domestic violence by a senior official (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/rmt-accused-of-dismissing-attack-claim-by-activist-8527208.html) and yet another chapter in the unfolding tragedy of the Socialist Workers Party (http://m.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/mar/09/socialist-workers-party-rape-kangaroo-court). In the former case the CPS are […]

The mystery of the movement which did not bark (yet)
Owen Jones once more makes constructive use of the platform he has as a columnist to call for “a movement uniting all those desperate for a coherent alternative to the tragedy of austerity” and, in so doing, throws down a challenge to all those of us who believe that we are trying to build such a movement. […]