Why campaigning for the right to work and employment should be a priority
“The welfare reform debate is confined to a single question: which Party can make it most difficult to get onto and stay on social security benefits.” Neil Crowther argues that we need a campaign about employment and work, rather than talking about welfare reform.

Will George Osborne’s Work Programme Type 2 work better than the Work Programme Type 1?
“This begs the question: what is the purpose of the Work Programme? Why are providers not already addressing issues such as drug addiction and illiteracy? In the view of current providers, are they not viable clients under the payment by results regime?” Andy Winter questions what the ‘new Work Programme’ says about the existing one.

‘Hard working people’ doesn’t work for me…
“There are few expressions that annoy me more than ‘hard working people’ – and few that we hear more in the current political climate. There are so many things wrong with it that it’s hard to know where to start…” As the Conservative Party gathers in Manchester, Paul Bernal takes issue with their conference theme.
Jenny’s job, and why we need more like it
Jenny Dimmock works in a pathology lab. She and her scientist colleagues handle between 3,000-4,000 blood samples a day. The 21-year-old is also an ambassador for younger students, speaking about her experiences at conferences, like how part of her job involves placing specimens on a robot. Handling the robot, however, as her workmates say, is […]

MPs get 30% pay rise, average worker gets 20% pay cut
“The Government is certainly Making Work Pay …just not for 99% of the population.” Scriptonite Daily urges action against widening inequality.
Dear Ed Balls WorkFare doesn’t work!
Dear Ed Balls MP Following your announcement of Labour’s plan to tackle unemployment, I’m asking you to think! I’m not an economist, a Politician, a journalist & nor do I belong to any ‘thinktank’, I’m someone who has worked within and around various WorkFare schemes since the 80′s, and that I believe qualifies me an opinion. The […]