Best frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of the best frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 25th November 2013 – from Boris Johnson to the sell off of UK student debt, Eric Pickles and local government finances to the future of the youth sector and the departure of Nathan Constable from the frontline blogosphere.

Frontline Friday 26th July 2013: Our favourite frontline blogs this week
Here’s our list of ten frontline blogs we’ve particularly liked from the week of 22nd July 2013 - from welfare reform to the Work Capability Assessment, police powers to the ‘war on porn’.

What a sham! The Positive for Youth Progress Report 2013
“These young people are our future …and they deserve much better than this travesty of a national policy!” John Thurlbeck lays into the Government’s ‘Positive for Youth’ strategy for young people.

Does it matter who pays for the youth service?
A new model of funding is emerging and is gaining considerable traction amongst the not-for-profit sector, including the youth service. There are many terms associated with this new funding model, including, social investment, social finance, social impact bonds, and infrastructure finance. Essentially, a commissioner (central government department) will commission and agree targets and outcomes with […]

Frontline Friday round-up 1st February 2013
Our round-up of frontline blogs we liked from the week of 28th January 2013 - this week, the impending impact of national policy on local communities, including: Eric Pickles slating councils, Michael Gove causing trouble again in adoption and youth services, and the fall-out from ‘bedroom tax’.

Central Government support for the youth service is needed now more than ever
“Michael Gove has, in one fell swoop, effectively managed to undermine the groundwork and ethos for change established in the post 2011 riots and DfE led initiative Positive for Youth, pledging cross-Government support for young people.” Matt Lent urges the Government to reconsider their priorities for the youth service at this time of its greatest need.

Our favourite frontline posts (part 2)
Over the past couple of months we’ve been publishing posts on policy issues from the frontline of public and voluntary sector services. In the second of two selections we’ve picked our favourite posts, from welfare to housing. A big thank you to all of those who have contributed to the site over the past 12 months.

A youth sector in crisis with significant challenges ahead
“I genuinely fear that the youth sector will become so eroded that in 20 years time there may well be no structured or coordinated youth provision at all.” Matt Lent lists the challenges facing youth services - and provides a frank warning about the future.